He has also become quite the walker in the last few days. For a while now he has been letting go and walking a few steps, but lately he will walk all over the place. It is so fun to watch. He continues to eat pretty good, his new loves are tilapia, roasted red peppers, garlic bread and edamame. He is doing really well feeding himself and drinking from his sippy...that is until you put milk in it! He looks at you like you are crazy if you put milk in anything other than a bottle. Needless to say, we are still working on kicking the bottle!
We have gotten more snow this "spring" than we did all winter. Paul and I are over it, but Hayden loves to play in it.
Hayden also discovered how fun it is to climb into the warming drawer. Luckily, I mostly use it for storage! How can you get upset with that little face!
Late post: Paul and I went to D Bar about a month ago. It is owned by Keegan Gerhard, from the Foodnetwork. It was so cool, and the food was amazing. It is mostly desserts, but of course Paul had to try some "real food" as well.
They are best known for there "Cake and a Shake", so naturally that is what we had! It was almost too pretty to eat!
When we went to the restaurant we knew that Keegan Gerhard owned it, but we never thought he would be there. Well, he was! He was there busing tables and talking to everybody, we even got to sit at the "dessert bar" and watch him make desserts. This picture is a little blurry, but I felt silly taking it so I had to hurry.