Adam and Ashley.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Happy New Year!
Adam and Ashley.
Something that wasn't on our Christmas lists...
We all 3 had the pleasure of the stomach flu the week of Christmas. Hayden had it first and it lasted the longest for him, which was pathetic, Paul and I only had it for 24 hours. I knew something was up when I found Hayden on our bed with his blankie, pacifier and his monkey. Poor baby just laid there, but we didn't know he was really sick until he threw up in his bed and my hands at 3 o'clock in the morning. Thankfully, we were all better by the time Christmas rolled around.
Merry Christmas
Paul, Hayden and I enjoyed our Christmas morning together opening presents, and then my parents and my sister came over for breakfast and opened more presents. Ray and Donna, as well as Melissa and Jeff and their boys, Korban and Ian, came over for dinner and opened more presents. I'm pretty sure Hayden woke up on the 26th and thought, "What, no presents?"!
Hayden made us a gift at school this year, he came home with it wrapped and everything. We couldn't wait to open it. Isn't it adorable? I love those little chubby hands so much! What a precious gift.
Hayden, Daddy and Max got me the perfect gift...a new Coach bag!
Hayden got lots of new books for Christmas as well as a comfy chair just for him. He opened a book and said "Daddy read it", so cute to hear him starting to make sentences.
Santa filled his stocking with lots of fun things but once he saw his crayons it was over. He didn't want to open anything else, he just wanted to color.
Hayden helped Grammy and Grandpa open their new calendar. He was so happy to see his own pictures in it, I guess it is the simple pleasures in life!

Maxwell was so happy with his new stuffed dog, he pretty much thought we forgot about him because he opened his present last.
Hayden helped Aunt Ashley open her gifts. Every time he would tear a piece of paper off he would hand it to her and say "thank you". He was cracking us up.
Hayden got a new car from Grammy and Grandpa. It was so fun to see he and Korban play in it together.
My new Christmas dishes made the the table look so much better! Grammy and Nona were such good sports sitting at the kids table.
We had such a wonderful time with our families during the holidays. We loved starting some traditions with Hayden and can't wait to do more of that next year.
Christmas Eve
Christmas eve was really fun this year. Ray and Donna (Papa and Nona) came to church with us and then we headed back to their house for dinner. Hayden was spoiled of course and one of his favorite gifts was his new ABC book that Nona and Papa made for him, it is so special.
Hayden helped Papa and Nona open their calendars that we made for them to enjoy all year.
Hayden loved opening so many presents! This Christmas was so different from last year, when he didn't really care about anything besides the paper.
Hayden loves playing the piano with his Papa.
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