Our big boy is halfway to his first birthday! At his appointment he was 18 lbs. and 10 oz. and 27 inches long. He long passed doubling his birth weight! He is developing right on track and getting bigger everyday. He is officially in his big boy car seat too! His feet were squished up against the
back seat of the car so we made the switch. We still have a couple of pounds left in our infant seat but frankly we were getting sick of carrying him around in that thing!

He is doing really well eating his solid foods, and still enjoys his milk. He is up on his arms and knees but no crawling yet, but he manages to roll himself where ever he wants to go. He is still sleeping great, 10 or more hours a night! He has the best little personality and
temperament, he rarely fusses or complains about much. We are so blessed to have such an amazing little boy!
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