We can't believe that 3 years have already passed. It amazes us how fast time has gone by. We have had a great 3 years and we feel closer to each other every day. We have had a lot of fun times and some not so fun times and our bond gets stronger with each experience that we have. We have accomplished so much in the short time we have been married and are so excited to see what God has for us next. To celebrate our anniversary we were going to go to Napa, CA, but our lives took a different turn! We decided to take that trip another time and spend some quality time together doing things together a little closer to home. So we went to San Diego for the day and went to Sea World. Neither one of us had been there since we were much younger and thought we would go while it is so close and it is just the two of us. It will be a while before our little one will be old enough to enjoy it.

Shamu has always been my favorite. They have a couple of shows with the whales, including a great one at night that has fireworks at the end during the summer.
The Sea Otters were so cute. I guess this is the first time I have ever really seen a sea otter, must have missed that at the Zoo!

Everyone knows that my favorite animal is the sea turtle. This is a mommy and her baby, I couldn't resist!

Paul thought it was hilarious that I was barely tall enough to ride to the simulator ride. I hope our children get his height, well at least some of it!

The Beluga whales were so beautiful. We had the most fun, two adults in a kid park! It was hot but we loved it. It was a great way to spend our anniversary.
1 comment:
Paul would laugh louder if he saw me standing by the simulator. Has he gotten taller? Ha!
Can you believe its been about 9yrs since we met? I'm so glad you & paul got back together. Now look at you---going to join the world of parenting.
Love you
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