Wednesday, June 25, 2008

On the 4 Wheeler with Papa

Hayden was a little scared of the noise at first, but then he liked sitting up there with his Papa.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Splash Party

Hayden and I went to a splash party at The Guibord's yesterday. He loved being in the kiddie pool for the first time. It will be so fun to put him in the big pool soon. Here is some of the fun:He was fascinated by his hand in the water, he kept moving his fingers and staring at it...and of course then putting it in his mouth!
His mouth is where all of the toys ended up!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hayden is 4 months old!

I cannot believe we have a four month old! Time has just flown by. He is more precious (and fat) everyday! I love to watch his little personality come out. At his checkup he was 16 pounds, 1 ounce, he has gained exactly 8 pounds since birth. He was also 26 inches long, putting him in the 75 percentile for height and weight. He is wearing almost all 6-9 months clothes! He is a big boy, but I do have to say this picture makes him look bigger than he actually is.

My new jumper

Nona and Papa got this for Hayden for one of our shower gifts. We forgot about it because all of our stuff is in their basement. We got it out this week and it is Hayden's new favorite thing. He has figured out that when he jumps it makes the lights and music turn on. He likes to spin himself around in the seat, but the other toys that don't light up or make noise don't really keep his attention too long.

(Side note: I never thought I would be one of those parents that keeps a bib on their kid all day long, but with the constant drool lately it has started to become a must! Now I know why people do it I guess!)

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day Paul! You are such a great dad, thank you for all you do for Hayden and I (and Max). We love you and appreciate you. Thank you for being such a godly man.
It is so fun to watch you with Hayden, he loves you so much.
To celebrate Paul and my dad we went to the Grand Lux Cafe after church on Sunday. We had a great time, and enjoyed some yummy food. After lunch we celebrated with Ray and Donna at Cold Stone, it was a great day.

My first bubble bath

Hayden was sick last week, we all were actually, but this bubble bath seemed to make him feel a little better. Looking at these pictures you would never know he didn't feel good, he is such a good boy.