Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hayden' first haircut

Last weekend we decided it was finally time to get the little guy a haircut. As much as I hated to see his baby hair disappear, he looks so handsome with his fresh new do. He looks more and more like a little boy each day, I can't believe he is almost a year old!
A before shot

All done! He did such a good job. My little guy is growing up.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Merry Christmas

This Christmas was so special, it was Hayden's first Christmas! We had a wonderful couple of weeks of visiting with many friends and lots of family. Paul's sister, husband and son, Korban, were here from Germany. Korban and Hayden are 12 days apart and they hadn't met until this Christmas, so that made this Christmas extra special. We spent Christmas Eve at church with the Kents and Leepers and enjoyed dinner and presents with them as well. Christmas morning began early (3:00 am to be exact) when Hayden woke up with croup. He was so pathetic and it is always so sad to see him sick but this was especially sad since it was his first Christmas. Despite getting sick and not sleeping much, he was such a trooper the whole day. He was so happy and good all day. He needed frequent naps and nursed a lot but was still the good little boy he usually is. Christmas morning we had my family over for breakfast and presents, and Grandma was able to be with us. That afternoon, Ray and Donna and Paul's Granny came over for Christmas dinner. It was a great day, filled with so many fun memories. I absolutely loved having everyone all together this year and it was such a joy to watch Hayden and Korban interact. Merry Christmas to everyone!

Hayden's Grammy and Grandpa and Nona and Papa absolutely spoiled him this year! His jammies say "What Santa doesn't bring, Grandma will" and it was so true! He didn't even notice that Mommy and Daddy didn't really get him anything except a deposit to his college fund (I know we're boring!) The best thing about celebrating the Christmas season is of course remembering the birth of Jesus and what it means to our daily lives. We can't wait until Hayden is big enough to understand what Christmas is really about.

Here is Uncle Jeff, cousin Korban and Hayden.I am so bummed that all of the pictures I have from Melissa and Jeff's visit didn't turn out except for one. My Christmas Eve pictures were all blurry, but not to worry I got some from my mother in law, I just don't have any digital ones. (Melissa, if you have any good ones, will you please email them to me?) So I apologize that you don't get to see how much fun we had with the Kent's and Leepers but maybe you will get to see them in my scrapbook if you're lucky!