Thursday, September 10, 2009

We love having visitors!

We had a special visitor the end of August, my friend Jenn came to visit from California. Her first night here, we hit up D delicious. She loved it as much as we do.
Paul got the "Ice Cream Sandwhich", which was heavenly. We picked a good night to go...Keegan was the pastry chef that night, and he actually made our desserts!
PBD Bar, my dessert! Good, is an understatement.
Jenn got the classic "Cake and a shake", it is so hard to choose!We took her to Boulder to see the Flat Irons and the view of downtown Boulder.
Then we went to Estes Park to eat, shop and walk around. We drove through Rocky Mountain National Park, it was so pretty.
It was so fun having you here! You are welcome anytime so please come back soon!


I just wanted to post these pictures of Hayden because I thought they were cute. Enjoy!
I forgot to pack Hayden a hat when he spent the night at Nona and Papa's so Nona improvised with a Doo Rag! I love it!
Hayden loves to wear my shoes. Amazingly, his shoes are about half the size of my shoes already. Daddy predicts his feet will be bigger than mine by first grade!He was walking around with his "baby" with his hand in his pocket. (He pulled it out just as the picture was taking).

He wanted to show Siena all of his "babies". He is fascinated by her.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Goodbye Ropers...we will miss you!

We had the pleasure of spending one last night before our friends move to Kansas City. We are excited for you and your new journey, but we will miss having you "down the street".

It was very cute to see Hayden and Siena playing together. I just loved this picture of Hayden.

I just love this picture that Ryan took of us. Thanks guys, but we need one of your family!

Wings Over the Rockies

Paul's company picnic was held at the Air and Space Museum. It was a great time to talk to everyone and see some really cool planes. With a great food, drinks, a photographer for family pictures, and actual military planes to sit in and admire, we had so much fun.
All Hayden needed was the bounce house. At first he was a little skeptical about getting in, but then we couldn't get him out of it, Paul actually had to go in and get him.
We had a great time! It was so nice to spend the night together as a family. Thank you Jeppesen.