Saturday, July 26, 2008

New things!

Hayden has started doing so many new things. He started sleeping on his tummy, which freaks me out but what can you do...he started eating rice cereal...he has started drinking from a sippy cup...and he has two teeth! He has also been "swimming" quite a bit. It has been a busy couple of weeks!
(I don't know why he is sleeping sideways in the crib, he is all over the place depending on his mood!)


Anonymous said...

Super cute!!! He is getting to be so huge!!! I love the rice cereal video....isn't it cute when they get cereal for the first time. I can't wait to add veges. =)

Anonymous said...

I always laid my babies on their stomach cause a friend's baby died sleeping his back when he spit up & choked to death. My kids put their kids on their stomachs. The baby I took care of died of SiDS at 20 mo & she could sleep however she wanted. I hope you don't take any of this wrong. I just don't want you to be real worried about him sleeping on his stomach. I loved the cereal video. I enjoy keeping up with your family. You are such a good looking familyl
Angie Lou